Simon Ugorji

Full-Stack Web Developer

When it comes to programming, I look at the problem & implement the best solution with lines of code

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I'm Ugorji Simon Okorie, a Full-Stack Web Developer from Nigeria.

I have worked with PHP and JavaScript for 3 years now and I have a solid experience building web Apps and projects in both languages.

I am a self-taught developer and would be glad to accept an internship offer to sharpen my skills.

As part of my learning process, I write technical articles on medium, hashnode, tealfeed and dev community and I love to work on side projects.

I have experience in HTML, CSS, ReactJS, PHP, MySQL, NodeJs, MongoDB, and Express JS and I currently have 8 active projects.

Give me a problem and I will implement the best solution with lines of code.

View my journey


Coding blocks

Coding Blocks

PHP JavaScript WordPress

July 2021 - Present

This is a wordpress plugin that allows you to embed code snippets directly into your wordpress posts.



JavaScript PHP

January 2022 - Present

This library has over 4 releases and it helps to validate your client-side and server-side forms using sophisticated regular expressions & validation rules.

Word unscrambler

Word Unscrambler


August 2022

This project implements a simple word unscrambler that you can use to unscramble any word using javaScript.

Posts API WP

Posts API WP

WordPress PHP

September 2022 - Present

This wordpress plugin creates a virtual API that can be used to share your wordpress posts to other websites.



HTML CSS JavaScript

November 2022

This project was inspired by a 30-days coding challenge

This is a simple web app that simulates the purchase of an NFT.



MongoDB ExpressJS ReactJS NodeJS

November 2022 - Present

This project was inspired by a 30-days coding challenge.

Using the MERN stack, I was able to build a full functional blogging website and it stands to be my first fullstack app.



ReactJS PHP JavaScript SQL

December 2022 - Present

This web app allows you to upload and share links to files.



JavaScript ReactJS PHP SQL

March 2023 - Present

This is my first marketable product.

TailorsKit is a solution for tailors all over Nigeria to save, manage and access their client's data, anywhere and at anytime with ease.


Here are some of the languages and frameworks that I work with.



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