It is necessary to handle server-side form validation errors. This is because the user needs to know the input field with the failed validation test and the input fields that passed.

Immediately you begin validation on the form fields, the library loops through your validation rules and executes the tests provided, then stores errors if any test fails.

To retrieve these errors, you would do something like this;

if($myForm->validateFields($valRules, $_POST) === true){
//process form data here
//return errors

Make sure to invoke the getErrors() method, only when the validate method returns false!

Now that we have retrieved the errors, we need to call a JavaScript function to help us display these errors to the end-user.


There is a helper script attached to the library that contains the JavaScript functions needed to display these errors.

Navigate to the directory /frontend/helper.js to locate this helper script, then include the functions to your project.

The helper script contains 2 functions which are;


Invoke this function and pass in the error object from the method getErrors() to insert errors to the form.


Invoke this function and pass in a formID to remove any error(s) inserted by the showErrors function.

In case you're using ...


If you're using Ajax, within the error method, you need to call the showErrors function and pass in the error object for the function to insert errors into the form, then within the success method, you need to call the removeErrors function and pass in the formID to remove any errors present in the form.

success: function (res) {
//pass in the form id to this function
error: function (xhr) {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
//pass in the errors array to this function

Remember that not all failed http requests are to be treated as validation errors. You can set a response code to make your App understand that the failed request is a validation error.


If your form is submitted to the page itself, you can easily call the showErrors function and pass in the error object for the function to insert errors into the form.

You don't need to call the removeErrors() function if your form is submitted to the page itself or to another PHP script, because the page will reload on every submit. However, it is necessary that you call the function if you're using Ajax to process form submission.

if($myForm->validateFields($valRules, $_POST) === true){
//process form data here
//return and display errors
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
showErrors(' . json_encode($myForm->getErrors()) . ');


If you're using the JavaScrip release of this library to validate your frontend forms, you do not need to include the helper script because the functions contained in that script is already included from version 1.2.0 of the frontend JS library.

//create new instance
const myForm = new octaValidate(FORM_ID);
//invoke this method to show server-side validation errors
//invoke this method to remove errors present in a form

Do you wish to use this Library for frontend validation? Click on the button below to learn more.

Learn more 


Assuming you want to show the user a custom validation error like "This Email address is taken" or "Your password is not correct", you can still use the helper script to achieve this but you must follow the syntax below to construct the error object.

$errObject = array(
"FORM_ID" => array(

$errObject = array(
"form_login" => array(
"email" => "This Email Address does not exist!"

You may go ahead and invoke the showErrors() function, then pass in the custom error object as an argument.


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